Teeth Whitening

It is a sad fact of life that as we get older our teeth tend to get darker, no matter how much we look after them, and because of this teeth whitening is a very popular method of regaining that white confident smile. The first thing people notice when we meet them is our smile, so anything we can do to improve our smile has to be a good thing.

You can actually have your teeth whitening done at home! Here is how it works: Specially constructed, thin flexible trays or worn, which you can either wear overnight whilst you are asleep, or you can wear them for up to an hour twice a day. Home whitening produces great results, as many of our customers will testify.

The other method of teeth whitening was Zoom Whitening, or Zoom Power Whitening. Sadly due to a ridiculous ruling by the European Union dentists in Europe are currently banned from carrying out this type of procedure with any concentration higher than 6% hydrogen peroxide. We think it was meant to protect the public from the dangerous practice of whitening by non dental professionals which is illegal, you would have no comeback and risk permanent damage to your teeth. It is still legal in the USA and in fact Germany have taken the stance to blatantly flout the EU law and carry on with Zoom Whitening, so watch this space..........

To help you make up your mind, if you make an appointment with us, we can use our advanced digital imaging to see on a computer screen how you would look after you have used our teeth whitening service! So what are you waiting for?! Please contact our dental surgery on 01282 415 104 to make an appointment or for more information from our friendly staff.

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