Monday, 1 July 2013

Did you know?

A snail can have upto 25000 teeth!

Snails can have hundreds to thousands of teeth!

There can be hundreds of rows of teeth and several different tooth types in one snail or very few rows with a single tooth in each. As the teeth get worn they are continuously replaced by developing teeth, much in the same way that a shark's teeth are. These teeth can be used for scraping food such as algae, however, there are snails that have evolved teeth that serve as harpoons which are hollow and used to inject venom when catching prey such as fish. The characteristics of the teeth help scientist distinguish between different species and how they are related to other snail groups.

Sadly humans only get two sets of teeth, baby and adult teeth, a good reason to look after them!

Call Julie on 01282 415104 if you would like us to help you look after your teeth.

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