This week, on Monday, I took a call from a lady enquiring about Sedation for Dental Treatment, she explained she was petrified of the dentist and couldn't sleep for weeks before she went. I explained she was one of many patients who are terrified of the dentist and it was OK, we really understand.
She had been aware of a broken tooth for a year or so and her own dentist had said to leave it if it wasn't causing pain. She made her mind up to have it taken out when she saw him next, she was notified last week she was due an appointment and when she rang was horrified to find that they had stopped providing Sedation for Dental Treatment. She hadn't slept properly since and found our number in the Yellow Pages at 2.30am that morning when she was unable to sleep.
Mike and I did the SAAD course 17 years ago to provide intravenous sedation in our practice but have never needed to use it. We have The Wand, a painless injection system and occasionally use oral sedation taken the night before and one hour before an appointment.
Mrs K, as I shall call her was very distressed on the phone. I explained the systems we used for our nervous patients and offered to ice her up as she didn't drive to come and meet the staff and see the impressive painless injection system but she said she'd call me back. I thought I had failed her. To my surprise she came into the practice at 11.30 about an hour after I had spoken to her, she said she had to come under her own steam. Mike was in the middle of a long treatment so I suggested she go for a walk and come back at 12.20.
Mrs K came back calmer than when she had first come in and was adamant she was only coming for a chat outside the surgery in the consultation area, we agreed that was fine. The chat went really well so we suggested she let Mike take a look at the tooth in the treatment room, she agreed - only a look. Yes we promised. Mrs K was obviously nervous but let Mike take a look with Dawn and I there for support and to hold her hand. The tooth was broken near the gum, Mike asked if he could take an X Ray, Mrs K agreed and did really well.
Mike then explained that in the 30 years since he qualified he had seen many such teeth and thought this would be one of the more straight forward if it was not left to decay any further below the gum. I had hoped Mrs K would agree to let Mike prescribe her some oral sedation and come back later this week for the extraction.
She wanted to see The Wand, the painless injection system and know exactly how it worked so we showed her (some nervous patients don't want to see or know hardly anything) - I suggested she let Mike try it so she would at least know it worked if she were to come back for treatment. She thought for a while and got a little upset and kept apologising and then said yes ok. Mike used the wand and let the anaesthetic trickle down the side of the tooth, it does take a long time; afterwards he asked her how that was - she hadn't felt a thing! We let her sit up and think for a moment what she had just achieved. She now had a numb tooth, yes just the one, not the whole side of her mouth. That is the magic of The Wand

Now what should we do, we had Mrs K, an extremely nervous patient in the treatment room and numb. There was only one thing, to ask her if she would consider letting Mike take the tooth out, she started shaking. Mike said he would give her some time to think and that she would need to sign a consent form. After a few minutes talking it over with Dawn and I she agreed and signed the consent. Mike promised to stop at any time. She asked would there be any pain, Mike checked the area was really numb and assured her no pain only pushing. Literally a few seconds later the tooth was out. Mrs K could not believe it, she kept apologising. Mike, Dawn and I all had tears in our eyes - it felt amazing that a complete stranger had trusted us so much when she was so afraid. She gave us all such huge hugs, we enjoy what we do every day but sometimes we really love our jobs!
10 minutes later Mrs K was back at reception, smiling broadly and asked if she could book an appointment with Mike to have her other teeth checked and one with Bridget, our hygienist as Mike had noticed some scale. Mrs K was so grateful, what she couldn't seem to understand was why she had felt no pain and yet worried herself sick for months.
Hope you enjoyed our Thank You Thursday