Looking for a Valentine Date?
According to this article from the British Dental Health Foundation, your smile is more important than you think:
A ‘smile' has topped a poll of the most important physical features when it comes to attraction between men and women.
The results of a survey, carried out on behalf of the British Dental Health Foundation, revealed a smile was rated highly by 56 per cent of respondents, closely followed by faces (53 per cent) and eyes (51 per cent). Dress sense, body shape, hair and height were also measured, with the latter bringing up the rear on 25 per cent.1
The results of a survey, carried out on behalf of the British Dental Health Foundation, revealed a smile was rated highly by 56 per cent of respondents, closely followed by faces (53 per cent) and eyes (51 per cent). Dress sense, body shape, hair and height were also measured, with the latter bringing up the rear on 25 per cent.1
Chief Executive of the British Dental Health Foundation, Dr Nigel Carter OBE, believes even a small gesture like a smile can have a big difference when it comes to securing a date for Valentine's Day.
Dr Carter said: "A simple smile can make others feel at ease around you and can be a powerful show of emotion, which can prove remarkably attractive to the opposite sex.
"When preparing for that first date we probably spend more time and money on our hair or the clothes we wear, rather than caring for our teeth. The survey is a great reminder that we should be giving greater attention to our teeth - not just because it improves oral health - but because it gives us the confidence to smile, which makes a major difference to our relationships."
In another new survey, the dating website Match.com found that singles pay attention to teeth more than anything else when judging a potential partner.
Results showed that 58 per cent of single men and 71 per cent of single women consider teeth to be the most important factor when judging a potential date, ahead of clothes, accents, grammar, cars and shoes.2
Dr Carter added: "Smiles can be particularly endearing and are a vital facet of daily life. Studies into smiling suggest they can have a positive effect on our relationships, careers and overall image.
"A nice smile is also a good measurement of our overall hygiene and general lifestyles too. Our teeth demonstrate our cleanliness, reveal what we eat and drink, as well as if we smoke or not.
"So show off your smile and you might secure yourself a date."
1.British Dental Health Foundation (2011), ‘National Smile Month Survey'.
2.Match.com (2013). ‘What singles consider a ‘must-have', [accessed on 08.02.2013].
Dr Carter said: "A simple smile can make others feel at ease around you and can be a powerful show of emotion, which can prove remarkably attractive to the opposite sex.
"When preparing for that first date we probably spend more time and money on our hair or the clothes we wear, rather than caring for our teeth. The survey is a great reminder that we should be giving greater attention to our teeth - not just because it improves oral health - but because it gives us the confidence to smile, which makes a major difference to our relationships."
In another new survey, the dating website Match.com found that singles pay attention to teeth more than anything else when judging a potential partner.
Results showed that 58 per cent of single men and 71 per cent of single women consider teeth to be the most important factor when judging a potential date, ahead of clothes, accents, grammar, cars and shoes.2
Dr Carter added: "Smiles can be particularly endearing and are a vital facet of daily life. Studies into smiling suggest they can have a positive effect on our relationships, careers and overall image.
"A nice smile is also a good measurement of our overall hygiene and general lifestyles too. Our teeth demonstrate our cleanliness, reveal what we eat and drink, as well as if we smoke or not.
"So show off your smile and you might secure yourself a date."
1.British Dental Health Foundation (2011), ‘National Smile Month Survey'.
2.Match.com (2013). ‘What singles consider a ‘must-have', [accessed on 08.02.2013].